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SEBI bars Varanium Cloud promoters from the capital markets

According to media reports, SEBI bars Varanium Cloud promoters from the capital markets allegedly for the misusing the IPO funds.
The price of the shares has fallen from Rs 239 to Rs 29.80 at present.
The company had its IPO in September 2022, and the IPO share price was Rs 122.
The office of the company is located at Sawantwadi.

Even wordpress duped with fake stories about CYBERCRIMINAL LIAR fraud accenture employee architect telugu trisha

After running their massive work at home fraud in goa rewarding panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, gsb architect kalpana nayak now in california, sindhi scammers, the SHAMELESS GREEDY LIAR FRAUD top indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google continue their work at home fraud making up fake stories about CYBERCRIMINAL LIAR fraud accenture employee married short slim architect telugu trisha who never did any computer work and never paid any expenses , yet is being falsely promoted as an online expert to give her great powers.
Like other banking fraudster government employee CYBERCRIMINAL LIAR fraud accenture employee married short slim architect telugu trisha has sophisticated wifi hacking equipment installed in her relative’s house to rob the data of the online worker, investor so that she can falsely claim to do the work, invest the money, when bank records clearly show that she is not having online income and does not pay expenses.
Indicating that the LIAR tech and internet companies are aggressively marketing their favorite fraud architect telugu trisha, even wordpress is being duped with FAKE STORIES about CYBERCRIMINAL LIAR fraud accenture employee architect telugu trisha and their theme for 2024 is about architecture

R&AW/cbi blocking websites in different countries to cover up their FINANCIAL FRAUD makes website promotion/content a waste of time and money

Since 2010, raw/cbi have been openly involved in a massive online, financial, work at home fraud on some online investors, workers, private citizens, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING them to ROB all data and then making falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees like greedy gurugram cheater ruchita kinge, indore cheater deepika/veena, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel , goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, sindhi school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, who do not pay expenses, do not spend time doing computer work, are online experts, domain investors to give all the frauds, great powers, monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor.

Despite the domain investor writing 5800 articles on iwriter , the liar government agencies are making fake claims about their lazy liar greedy fraud employees who never spent time writing especially bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree.

CPM or banner advertising is one of the few ways to make money from the websites. yet instead of having the grace and humanity to end its FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD on the domain investor since 2010, it appears that raw/cbi are spreading fake rumors and getting the websites blocked in various countries.
So despite wasting time writing content, promoting the website, the ads are not being displayed and the advertising revenues are greatly reduced. So it appears that directlink CPM is the only way to make money from CPM advertising

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For exposing government SLAVERY, financial fraud, websites cannot be acessed in several countries

Websites of the domain investor blocked in different countries for exposing government SLAVERY, financial fraud reducing advertising revenues
Government agencies allegedly getting countries to block websites of the domain investor for exposing government SLAVERY, financial fraud reducing advertising revenues
Even maidservants, offline workers, prisoners are paid for the work they do, though they work at home. Only in one of the greatest work at home, ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUDS, government SLAVERY rackets in the world, top tech and internet companies, indian government agencies are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING harmless hardworking online workers, investors, making fake allegations without any legally valid proof , ROBBING all their data to make fake claims about the lazy greedy relatives and friends of the greedy LIAR top government employees who then get lucrative no work, no investment jobs in the indian internet sector.
After tolerating the criminal defamation for more than 8 years, the domain investor realized that top indian tech and internet companies, government employees are pathological LIARS who hate her and are making completely FAKE ALLEGATIONS without any proof at all, mainly so that they can run their government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD of faking domain ownership without being questioned.
Instead of having the grace and humanity to end its FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY of the single woman engineer, domain investor, purchasing the domains which are mostly available for sale, indian government agencies are getting various countries to block the websites of the domain investor mainly to reduce advertising revenues
The domain investor was surprised to find a massive decrease in page views for one ad network, so she checked the website using geopeeker
She found that the website is not available in Singapore, Brazil, California and Australia, it is only available in Ireland and Virginia , so only 33% of the page views are being recorded ,advertising revenues reduced.

websites being ddosed after government online, financial fraud, government SLAVERY, job for SEX racket exposed due to denial of airline boarding pass

Though the indian tech and internet companies are making millions of dollars in profit, they are openly involved in a major government online, financial fraud, government SLAVERY, job for SEX racket targetting online workers, investors criminally defaming them making fake allegations without any proof at all to steal their data and then get lucrative no work no investment government jobs for the lazy greedy fraud friends and relatives of top indian government employees, especially from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay
For example though greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel, greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani , her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, indore cheater deepika/veena, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, and other raw/cbi employees have never paid expenses and do not do any computer work, yet because of the government SLAVERY racket, criminal defamation, they are getting great powers, monthly salary, while the real investor is defamed as idle and having no income.
Repeating lies creates the illusion of truth, and many people and companies are being duped by the indian tech and internet companies with fake stories of website ownership. Consequently the real domain investor was allegedly intentionally denied a boarding pass by Air India on the Mumbai to goa flight and since the single woman was cheated of her money, she posted the details of the incident on a few websites which she owned to update them, exposing the domain ownership, credit card fraud of the government agencies, indian internet sector.
Furious that their credit card, domain ownership fraud is exposed, a large number of websites are getting ddosed, resulting in loss of advertising revenues.

Top government employees running an extortion racket ask indian webhosting companies to block FTP access

panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan has never done any computer work, does not manage any website at all. Yet in a major EXTORTION RACKET of cheater liar top government employees like sunaina’s shameless sugar daddy j srinivasan, indian webhosting are being asked to block ftp access for their btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, so that she is forced to use file manager for making changes in the website.
Then these cheater government employees are falsely accusing the single woman engineer of hacking to falsely give panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, who does not spend any time, does not have any skills, credit, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman in a case of government SLAVERY since 2010
The domain investor is accessing the file manager only for a few minutes in a week, yet the SEX BRIBE taking well paid LIAR top indian government employees are allowed to continue with their EXTORTION RACKET since 2012, to avoid paying panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan for her sex services from their excellent monthly government salary
Showing the lack of honesty and humanity,indian tech and internet companies continue to support well paid LIAR top indian government employees in their EXTORTION racket, government SLAVERY refusing to acknowledge the time the single woman spends daily doing computer work.

Due to great powers given to sindhi scammer raw employee nikhil premchandani, most of the webhosting companies are not providing customer support

Though sindhi scammer raw employee nikhil premchandani, now axe bank manager at pune never opened his own paypal, bank account, did not invest money in domains, and did not do any computer work at all,just because his schooldropout shameless mother cbi employee naina premchandani was the favorite sex service provider of top indian government employees like parmar, tushar parekh, nikhil sha, puneet, like his fraud brother karan, he got a raw job, great powers for faking ownership of the domains, website, paypal , bank account.
though the pune sindhi scammer raw employee nikhil premchandani never paid for any webhosting account, only because his cheater mother has extremely powerful lovers who are completely infatuated with her and controlled by her, the indian government is falsely claiming that the sindhi scammers , who do not spend any money on domains, webhosting, own the domains, webhosting accounts of a single woman engineer, domain investor who the sindhi scammers HATE,CRIMINALLY DEFAME.
nOW the domain investor is finding that she is making great losses because the government fraud of making fake claims about the pune axe bank manager nikhil who has been given great powers based on the lies of sex bribe taking liar top indian government employees LUSTING for naina. In addition to blocking advertising to a great extent, the sindhi scammer raw employee is also asking webhosting companies not to provide support.
First the indonesian company refused to provide support, then haryana, and now punjab webhosting company is also not providing any customer support.

Indian webhosting companies told not to provide customer support to domain investor for complaining about financial fraud, government SLAVERY

It appears that a very powerful person in the indian internet sector masterminded the financial fraud, government SLAVERY on the domain investor after criminally defaming her without any legally valid proof.
Now after being cheated, exploited for more than 13 years, the domain investor is asking for proof of the fake allegations which is facing, otherwise it is a clear EXTORTION racket
So it appears that the person who hates the domain investor, has asked all webhosting companies in india not to provide customer support. One chennai webhosting company has removed softaculous from the webhosting account, and in another webhosting the domain investor cannot login to wordpress blogs, cannot take a backup
they are also not replying to the support ticket for more than 12 hours.